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Mochana Green is a company whose goal is the implementation of agricultural projects, with strong technological support, in order to achieve a high productivity environment. And, of course, taking maximum care of the sustainability of the ecosystems where its crops are planted.

Its shareholder base is made up of people from the worlds of agriculture, technology and finance, with a wealth of experience in all these areas. This places the company in an excellent position to effectively address its operations.

Working under the principle of creating sustainable crops that respect their environment. Technologically developing crops of great ecological value, helping to eliminate the carbon footprint.

Ana Pérez Nebreda
Manager of Mochana Green

Who we are, where we are and where we want to go

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This is our data:

Mochana Green, SL
28 de Febrero, 13
29531 Humilladero (Málaga)

NIF B09621491

Company registered in the Malaga Mercantile Register, volume 6122, book 50239, folio 51, page MA-165221..