Access to water, its quantity and quality, is probably the greatest challenge facing agriculture in the world today. A... Read More "Osmosis
Access to water, its quantity and quality, is probably the greatest challenge facing agriculture in the world today. A... Read More "Osmosis
Focusing on the pursuit of production efficiency is not a trivial matter for farmers. The world has already reached 8 billion hectares of... Read More "Productive efficiency
Our society is deeply demanding when it comes to the quality of the food products we consume. And it is only logical that this should be the case. That is why the... Read More "Quality. Tirelessly searching for it
At Mochana Green we are very clear that the search for productive efficiency cannot be carried out in exchange for undermining the sustainability of our ecosystem. And, fundamentally, by mistreating the aquifer support that humans need for our survival. That is why our commitment to production is centred on recirculating hydroponic systems.